Apple said today its App Store has hit more than 10 billion downloads worldwide, equating to roughly 62 apps for each one of its 160 million iPhone, iPod touch and iPad users.
The App Store is now roughly two-and-a-half years old and offers software for a number of categories in 90 countries, ranging from games, news, sports, health, reference and travel.
Apple took advantage of today’s milestone to highlight several new figures: In addition to revealing that it now has 160 million iOS users in the world, it said there are more than 350,000 applications in the App Store that are accessible to users in 90 countries. Of that application base, there are more than 60,000 apps available for the iPad.
“The App Store has surpassed our wildest dreams,” said Philip Schiller, Apple’s SVP of Worldwide Product Marketing in a release. “While others try to copy the App Store, it continues to offer developers and customers the most innovative experience on the planet.”
Apple said the 10 billionth app downloaded was “Paper Glider,” which was purchased by Gail Davis of Orpington, Kent, in the U.K. Davis will receive a $10,000 iTunes gift card.
As a point of reference, Apple said in September 2009 that there were 50 million iPod and iPhone users, making the 160 million number announced today fairly significant.